
Our vision is a world in which every human being has access to clean water and safe sanitation and where waterborne diseases are a thing of the past. We also see a future where feces and urine are not treated as waste but as a resource to be used.                                 Our mission is to facilitate the introduction of sustainable sanitation solutions wherever needed. We are stressing the importance of education in the fields of sanitation and hygiene. Additionally, we see our work with communities as a vehicle for inclusion, empowerment and economic advancement.

>> Check out what we are up to in the video below <<

A brief introduction …

Non-Water Sanitation was born from a fundraising effort, involving a bicycle ride from Germany to India. During our tour we were raising fund for the construction of sustainable toilets in Darewadi, a village located in rural Maharashtra. Since this pilot project during which 35 households got access to toilets, we have completed several projects, ranging from providing toilets in villages to sanitation facilities in schools. From what we have learned during our projects in Europe and Asia, we are now ready to roll out our process.

Purpose of this site…

More than just being a Non-Water Sanitation site, we want to use thetoiletcycle.com to rally for specific projects by Non-Water Sanitation but also other organizations that work towards Sustainable Development Goal #6.

Also we want to use this site to document affordable and scalable approaches to ecological sanitation, that we believe could, in the near future, be funded entirely or partially through market mechanisms. 

Stay tuned =) ….

For our official Non-Water Sanitation Homepage, please visit the link below.